Tuesday, April 14, 2015

You Can Always Find Your Way Back to Joy!

How do you feed your soul and Make your heart happy? 
So much talk about self-care, 
yet I am finding that my clients still need reminding 

Find what makes your heart sing, body emanate positive energy and allow yourself to feel the joy in your body. 

Try not to just focus on your body when you feel pain. 
FEEL the pleasure. 
Feel the JOY. 

Feel more than sexuality. Feel that vital sensation too! This is often the place where people start when they have been closed off. Sensuality is so much more than sexual and when we just focus on sex... guilt comes into play. Let's be healthy in our minds, body and spirit. 
360 degree development toward Joy & balance.

Just feel and focus on You. 
You are worth it today and always.

You see me posting constantly on social media the things that bring me true Joy. My list is varied and yours can be too!
Every time I sit in moments of joy and pleasure, I acknowledge how it feels and express gratitude
Every time... 

What brings me joy? 
Sailing, being on the water, art that moves me, the sun on my skin, bubble baths, laughing, spa services, watching dogs at the beach, smiling babies, travel, people, cities, pushing boundaries, exercise, deep connections, seeing the city in the distance as I cross the Bay Bridge, random acts of kindness, wine tasting, feeding my senses feeds my soul....

What brings you joy?
Do you allow yourself to Feel it even if you think it's frivolous? Do you celebrate or discount your pleasure?
Are you able to sit in Joy?
Do you feel worthy?

Let's start you moving toward Joy!

First: Give yourself permission to feed your soul. It is NOT selfish.
Second: I invite you to journal. 
Third: Pay attention to your body daily. Make a mental note of what makes your heart sing... & seek that out more often. 

I work on this with my clients on a daily basis. 
I invite you to indulge and step into Joy

Here is just one idea: Try a museum membership. It allows you to stop in for a short period and enjoy incredible works of art without going for one visit and feeling like you have to spend hours drudging around a museum to get your money's worth. :-) Baby steps... As an avid gallery goer and member for almost 20 years - I visit in short stints: 20-60 minutes at a time unless I am seeing a traveling exhibit. Give it a try... You may LOVE it!



I cordially invite you to Sign up for my blog 
& join me for the next few blog series that are starting in May. 

Kimberly Reyes

Transformational Leader, Clarity & Growth Mentor, Author & Speaker

Kimberly Reyes Lifestyle by Design
Helping you design a life connected to your True North  

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This little red wagon changed my life!

This little red wagon changed my life! 
It started me down the path of self-employment and LAUNCHED 
my National Speaking Career!

Step into Your Dreams -
Small shifts bring BIG changes

If you are going through any kind of personal or professional transition.... Large or small... If you are stuck, have slowed down or repeating cycles that keep you from moving forward- This talk is designed to help you to make small changes to break out of your comfort zone, give you tools and techniques to make small changes in thoughts, paradigms, actions and words to see BIG Rewards both personally and professionally.
· Gain a positive perspective about where you are & where you are headed
· Learn to shift perceptions regarding setting & reaching goals
· What are Your Personal and Professional Dreams?
· Clearly identify a path that makes dreams and goals attainable.
· Explore the powerful meaning of words & how to use them
· Consider ways to Stop self-sabotage & learn to leave the comfort zone.
· Discover how to move through fear to where all the yummy stuff lives!

Maybe all You need to find is 
little red wagon!

I will share my 
Personal Journey... 
It's not what you think
It's not the points of pain
It IS the ability to always rise above

Join Us for a VALUE packed event!
It's all about 

Growth & Transformation
~Be inspired~
March 5th


I would love to see you March 5th! I won't be talking about introverts/extroverts... but you know I LOVE to connect people. If there is someone in the room that you would like to meet... OR If you would feel more comfortable connecting with someone before hand... drop me a message and we will discretely set you up for SUCCESS! This is going to be a great event and I don't want you to miss it!



Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Who Are You Alienating? Reality Check!

This Quote evokes strong reactions from people... The reactions are polarized!

How does it make you feel in your body? Does it excite you and light you up? Does it make you cringe and want to run from the person that identifies with the quote?

It's polarizing AND the perfect example of how 
Introverts & Extroverts may see things differently.

Extroverts are you conscious about how you interact in the world AND How your communication style is helping OR damaging your relationships? Why does it matter & how being aware can change your life & improve your relationships.

Fact: As humans we are drawn to other people that are just like us. It makes us comfortable. 

If you related to this quote and it made you giddy... you are probably drawing in people just like you.

Why is this important to consider in your life & business? It doesn't matter what study that you look at - approximately 50% of the population is introverted and 50% are extroverted - Most will agree that the percentage of introverts is much higher....

So if you are only drawing in and connecting with people just like you - you are missing out on 50% of the population. Once you learn simple tools, tips & techniques ... You will start to see people that have been in your space that you have never even noticed. This is HUGE and can be life changing! Who doesn't want more quality personal & professional relationships in their life?

If you are having difficulty with relationships in your life- Once you learn simple tools, tips & techniques ... You will see people differently and will feel more at ease. This allows you to connect in a whole different way. This can change your life. Who doesn't want to improve the quality of the relationships that are already in their life?

#Introverts - Understanding the extrovert in your life makes misunderstandings and hurt feelings a thing of the past. It will at least lesson the gap and allow you to feel safer in the relationship.

Sure we are generalizing and using extremes to make a point here. BUT, understanding and appreciating your style and the style of those around you is the key! Then you can learn valuable tools and techniques to make the most of those valuable Personal & Professional relationships!

Take advantage of this 3 Part LIVE Teleseminar with Special Pricing until January 31st! When you learn the tools and techniques provided it will change your life personally and professionally. These principles are not just for business -they can be used by BOTH Introverts & Extroverts with spouses, children, friends, partners and more... Join Me.

Creating Better Business Relationships
Introverts & Extroverts
LIVE Teleseminar Series: 3 One hour Intensive Calls 
Bonus Q & A with Kimberly after each call

This was my #1 requested topic for all of 2013-2014! 
You DO NOT Need to attend in person to participate in this
teleseminar and receive tremendous VALUE!

Only $47.00 a savings of $300 because I am seeing it change lives

Find out WHO will benefit from this Series... Click Here

Kimberly Reyes
Transformation Leader, Clarity & Growth Mentor, Speaker, Author, & TV Host/Producer
Follow Me on Twitter @Clarity_Mentor

My goal is to help my clients gain freedom. This is just one small aspect of what I offer to clients. There is a broad spectrum of factors that can keep you bound and barriers that restrict growth. My 360 Degree VIP Days walk clients through a complete analysis. 

I invite you to connect with me for a complimentary 30 minute strategy session.  Contact Me