Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A bit of what I share with clients ~ FEAR & VALUE

Self-Worth, Self-Esteem, 
Self-Love.... and Value are such big topics when we are looking inside and shifting. The shift can be anything: Personal or Professional. 
It always goes back to that core value system and what barriers we are holding onto that keep us from growth.

Yes. We all need Clarity to move forward in a less chaotic way. Can we get to the same point without getting the clarity that we need? 
Yes... Maybe... It will just take exponentially longer to arrive at the same point. Wasted valuable time and energy... Sometimes years.  Many will give up because it's hard to achieve without a clear vision of where you are headed and how you may achieve your goal.

Negative Internal Dialogue? 

Some of the time we hear the self-talk. Most of it is so deep rooted and from a source that hasn't been identified, that we are affected by it without even knowing that it is going on. It takes actually looking for, identifying and addressing the chatter to find and eliminate it.

  • Am I good enough?
  • Am I worthy of success?
  • Can I be loved?
  • Am I lovable?
  • Am I strong enough?
  • Am I as good as "them"?
  • Can I do it?
  • Who will listen?
  • People will see me...
  • Vulnerable is not pretty.
  • Am I attractive enough?
  • Do I have the expertise, education, and knowledge?
  • Will people think that I am a fraud?
  • Will people still like me?
  • If I succeed people will leave me....
  • If I fail... People will not respect me.....
  • If I fail... all of my fears will be validated...
  • If I fail... I will validate what I think other people already think of me.

The list goes on and on. 

The negative self-talk is the saboteur that keeps us bound and unable to rise. That internal dialogue keeps us from having clear thoughts and aids fear in keeping us down. That dialogue is the invisible buffer that people either move through or are driven down back into the churning environment where we are constantly trying to survive or trying to figure life out. The positive news is that it can be changed. Small shifts bring BIG results.

Clarity & Growth 
come when we rise above the 
Chatter and Move through Fear

There is that invisible line - that bar that we need to rise above to grow. That line is FEAR. 

Even the seemingly most confident person has moved through fear if they are successful. I tell my clients when they feel their bodies react & there is evidence of fear... Hold strong and be Excited because Big Shifts & Growth are about to Happen!
Personal & Professional Success is on the other side of fear!


Yes... in the end... It all boils down to fear. Lack of clarity keeps us in chaotic thought. Both the fear of Failure and Success can be paralyzing if we aren't clear of what each looks like. Clarity creates a knowing of the destination, the path that may be taken to get there, anticipating barriers and road blocks so that you aren't blind sided and a plan A, B and C. Options AND the flexibility to reach a destination without the negative constraints of doubt, unknowing and the self-sabotage of negative self-dialogues.

Clarity guided with a Mentor fosters the 
co-creation of bigger dreams and bigger plans. 
A Mentor can take away limited thoughts and help expand your ideas. Your Vision becomes more apparent! 

What is the easiest way to reach your goal? Dream Bigger! It doesn't seem so daunting to reach the third rung on the ladder when you are now aiming for the top! When you reach the top ~ start over & dream even bigger.

SIGN UP Today for BIG NEWS being Released Next Week!

Clients ask me why we can't just jump into the mechanics of things without starting with self-development work... When we do... it always goes back to the foundation of what and why you haven't moved forward so far?

The beautiful thing is that when we identify what the block is... it only takes small shifts to get the BIG results that you have been wanting and looking for! Big ah ha moments... Paradigm shifts.... that moves you through fear.

A Mentor can walk beside you on your journey and be your biggest support and cheerleader... because they see you clearly - sometimes even more clearly than you are able to see yourself. It all takes time... Be kind to yourself and allow others around you to walk this path with you. People that have your best interest at heart and are excited about your success!

SIGN UP Today for BIG NEWS being Released Next Week!

Kimberly Reyes
Clarity & Growth Mentor, Master Networker,TV Host/Producer ,Author & Speaker

Helping you design a life connected to your true North

Join me on this journey of discovery - mentally, physically and spiritually.


Pathfinder Series Host & Producer

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Getting Back to Me... Putting Together My Dream Team

My Journey all begins with Me 
Being kind to Me. 

Paying attention to what I need, want and desire... Then working to lovingly make those things a reality....

Kindness begins with Me.... to Me.

It has always been easier to be kind to others. I am innately a nurturer and get joy from being kind & caring to others.
It is a learned skill to be kind & loving to myself.

I will blog separately about my journey including video blogs... Please make sure to note that you are interested in that topic when you sign up for the Blog to the right.

I spoke at a conference recently and it was a very interactive talk. I asked the women what their lives desire was... What did they dream about... Who did they want to be.... What did they want their ideal life to look like?

To my sadness... The room was silent and there were blank looks. On further examination--- those women were treading through life surviving. They were not thriving. They did not even allow themselves to dream...

 When you allow yourself to dream and set an intention... The energy around you takes you down the path to the destination of your dream. The destination is a shift in a paradigm that allows you to live in a different space energetically. It's not a physical place... It's the place where you are tying to shift to energetically. a mindset.

I have worked with hundreds of people in annual Master Manifesting, Goal Setting and Paradigm Shifting workshops... I teach what I have done with my own life for the last 25 years. There is no reason that I should be the person that I am today based on where I came from. I am the person that I want to be... and with every shift that I decide to make... I am settling even deeper into who I am. The whole Me.

I BELIEVE that everyone has the power to shift their energy, change their thoughts and create the life that they desire.

Dream... Then Dream Bigger... Intentionally set your intentions.... 
This allows you to Manifest your dreams, goals and desires.... leading you to the destination set by your intention.

I do so much work behind the scenes for and on myself. Some I share. Some I don't. I always have a destination in mind... So that I can recognize the opportunities when they present themselves.

I want to share the next stage of my journey openly because I BELIEVE that it can be of service. There is a lot of shame and shaming surrounding everything that I will address. It should all be mainstream and the norm in my opinion and I do know that when people talk about things openly... the shock and stigma fall away in time.

I am putting together a pretty amazing dream team! I am practicing what I preach... I truly BELIEVE in hiring the right fit professionals for the job to make the task/goal easier to achieve....

Work smarter - Not harder. 

It was my goal to keep getting better after 40- Better for ME. I was really good about getting my nails done every 2 weeks... massages at least once a month... Working out... and then I slid backward a bit with all of the "life events" of the last 18 months.... But, I am getting back on track and I am once again sharing my story.

*Image Consultant
*Plastic Surgeon .... YES... Plastic Surgeon
* and more.....

I Know for a fact that I can DO IT ALL myself... The beauty is that I KNOW that I DON'T have to anymore. I am excited to introduce you to the team... I am wrapping up solidifying everyone... interviewing a few more... and then I will share with you!

let's take away the scary, the unknown, learn about new things, options that we didn't know that we could consider... And learn to love ourselves--- getting better with age.

adopt one or adopt them all...

Join me on this journey of discovery - mentally, physically and spiritually.


Pathfinder Series Host & Producer

Monday, November 10, 2014

Shooting New Intro - Wanna be in it?

WOW! So much is happening behind the scenes.... The studio loves the show and it has expanded already!

We will be going on location at Jack London Square and in Alameda to get footage for the new intro! An hour show needs a spiffy new intro!

Message Kimberly if you would like to be included in some of the shots! Limited space... 
Shoot her a message. You could be on camera too!

November 13th 10:00am to ?


Pathfinder Series Host & Producer

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pathfinder Series TV - Rock Star Guests are Showing Up!

I have some ROCK STAR Guests showing up in the 
studio to be interviewed... 
and I am getting better with each interview :-)

I invite you to join us on this journey as the show evolves and you get the opportunity to see and hear from people you may never have gotten to meet. 

I Promise that 
We will ALWAYS talk about the subjects that other people avoid.

The Journey Begins! 

I BELIEVE that everyone has a story. 
It's what makes us Interesting, Wonderful and Unique. 

The Pathfinder Series will bring you stories from people in your local community and from all over the world!

We will share our Struggles & Victories, Unique points of view, Exceptional Talents... Different Lifestyles... and maybe just a peak into the lives of your neighbors so that we 
get to know each other better!

Do you have an amazing story of family 
& connection! 
A story that makes us emotionally 
connect with you and see possibilities for ourselves and others?

Are you leading your life on your own terms
showing other people that they can do it too?

It's time to set new standards. 


Just because it's been done one
 way in the past... doesn't mean that it should be that way forever! Meet trail blazers, trend setters & visionaries!

Very Often our lives start out one way & We decide to change the direction that we are headed...  
Watch for examples of struggles to victories!

Culture, Religion, Family, Tradition, Life, Love, Lifestyle, Experience... It's all open for discussion. We will ALWAYS talk about the subjects that other people avoid.



Pathfinder Series Host & Producer

Friday, October 10, 2014

Reflecting as we lead up to the Premier.... Why do I do this?

Leading up to the Premier of the Pathfinder Series tv show 
I am reflecting once again...

Why do I do this? Why do I share so openly and talk about all of the things that most people don't want to address in public? Why do so many coaches, speakers, & public figures make themselves vulnerable by being up front and center? Probably different reasons for each of us. It definitely opens us up for criticism and judgement... But, I would bet the majority do it to be of service.

It is moments like this morning when I open up my email to find a letter from a woman that listened to a recording of a radio interview that I did a couple of years ago. I sit to reflect and be grateful that some nugget of information, some story that I have brought to the surface, some reassurance or validation of her situation as seen in another... can shift a person's paradigm or make a difference. 

A marriage saved. A suicide averted. 
A relationship valued. 
A spark of Joy acknowledged. Someone seeing themselves in whole new light. Just sharing a laugh! 
The letters are short and long. 
Serious and light.... 

It is also when I am sitting in my own "stuff" and wondering if I should keep this up... I find that I am offering the most value. We teach what we learn... if we are willing to share.

I do know that when YOU share your story that there is someone that you may touch that I may not. Everyone wants to be seen, heard and acknowledged in some way. The Pathfinder Series tv show gives me the platform to bring all kinds of different people and stories to you. I invite you to share your story. We want to know you. 

I truly value all of the messages that I get. 
None are taken for granted.  
The point is to keep bringing stories and topics that will help us all connect with ourselves and others 
with grace & ease. 

This is a natural progression. I am in awe of my one on one clients and the magic that happens as I see them blossom. I have been writing for a long time and sharing my journey, radio and being on other people's tv shows was next.... and now .....

We will laugh... laughing is mandatory, We will cry.... it is me after all, We will see and learn something that we may have never thought of on our own.

Hopefully we will all see each other in a kinder gentler way and find joy and balance along the way.

I am blessed with this new opportunity. Let the Journey begin!

with deep gratitude,
Kimberly Reyes
Clarity & Growth Mentor, Author, Speaker & TV Host

Kimberly Reyes Lifestyle by Design
Helping you design a life connected to your true North