Self-Worth, Self-Esteem,
Self-Love.... and Value are such big topics when we are looking inside and shifting. The shift can be anything: Personal or Professional.
It always goes back to that core value system and what barriers we are holding onto that keep us from growth.

Yes. We all need Clarity to move forward in a less chaotic way. Can we get to the same point without getting the clarity that we need?
Yes... Maybe... It will just take exponentially longer to arrive at the same point. Wasted valuable time and energy... Sometimes years. Many will give up because it's hard to achieve without a clear vision of where you are headed and how you may achieve your goal.
Negative Internal Dialogue?
Some of the time we hear the self-talk. Most of it is so deep rooted and from a source that hasn't been identified, that we are affected by it without even knowing that it is going on. It takes actually looking for, identifying and addressing the chatter to find and eliminate it.
- Am I good enough?
- Am I worthy of success?
- Can I be loved?
- Am I lovable?
- Am I strong enough?
- Am I as good as "them"?
- Can I do it?
- Who will listen?
- People will see me...
- Vulnerable is not pretty.
- Am I attractive enough?
- Do I have the expertise, education, and knowledge?
- Will people think that I am a fraud?
- Will people still like me?
- If I succeed people will leave me....
- If I fail... People will not respect me.....
- If I fail... all of my fears will be validated...
- If I fail... I will validate what I think other people already think of me.
The list goes on and on.
The negative self-talk is the saboteur that keeps us bound and unable to rise. That internal dialogue keeps us from having clear thoughts and aids fear in keeping us down. That dialogue is the invisible buffer that people either move through or are driven down back into the churning environment where we are constantly trying to survive or trying to figure life out. The positive news is that it can be changed. Small shifts bring BIG results.
Clarity & Growth
come when we rise above the
Chatter and Move through Fear
There is that invisible line - that bar that we need to rise above to grow. That line is FEAR.
Even the seemingly most confident person has moved through fear if they are successful. I tell my clients when they feel their bodies react & there is evidence of fear... Hold strong and be Excited because Big Shifts & Growth are about to Happen!
Personal & Professional Success is on the other side of fear!
Yes... in the end... It all boils down to fear. Lack of clarity keeps us in chaotic thought. Both the fear of Failure and Success can be paralyzing if we aren't clear of what each looks like. Clarity creates a knowing of the destination, the path that may be taken to get there, anticipating barriers and road blocks so that you aren't blind sided and a plan A, B and C. Options AND the flexibility to reach a destination without the negative constraints of doubt, unknowing and the self-sabotage of negative self-dialogues.

Clarity guided with a Mentor fosters the
co-creation of bigger dreams and bigger plans.
A Mentor can take away limited thoughts and help expand your ideas. Your Vision becomes more apparent!
What is the easiest way to reach your goal? Dream Bigger! It doesn't seem so daunting to reach the third rung on the ladder when you are now aiming for the top! When you reach the top ~ start over & dream even bigger.
SIGN UP Today for BIG NEWS being Released Next Week!
Clients ask me why we can't just jump into the mechanics of things without starting with self-development work... When we do... it always goes back to the foundation of what and why you haven't moved forward so far?
The beautiful thing is that when we identify what the block is... it only takes small shifts to get the BIG results that you have been wanting and looking for! Big ah ha moments... Paradigm shifts.... that moves you through fear.
A Mentor can walk beside you on your journey and be your biggest support and cheerleader... because they see you clearly - sometimes even more clearly than you are able to see yourself. It all takes time... Be kind to yourself and allow others around you to walk this path with you. People that have your best interest at heart and are excited about your success!
SIGN UP Today for BIG NEWS being Released Next Week!
Kimberly Reyes
Clarity & Growth Mentor, Master Networker,TV Host/Producer ,Author & Speaker
Kimberly Reyes
Clarity & Growth Mentor, Master Networker,TV Host/Producer ,Author & Speaker
Helping you design a life connected to your true North
Join me on this journey of discovery - mentally, physically and spiritually.
Pathfinder Series Host & Producer
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